Send a Recharge to Cuba

Send a recharge to Cuba

Save $7 on your first recharge in Fonoma. Connect with friends and family in Cuba.

You receive 3% back with every recharge

Accrue 3% Fonoma Credit after every recharge. Invite family and friends to Fonoma to earn $7 credit.

They also get a $7 discount their first recharge. Your credit never expires.

Fast and very secure, without hidden fees

We don't store your payment details. You could also send an SMS with a personal note with your cellphone or Nauta recharge.

In seconds your friends and relatives in Cuba can call, sms or connect to the internet.

More Information


  • One recharge per payment method
  • Available for phone numbers that haven't been recharged before in Fonoma
  • A credit card, debit card or PayPal account is required
1887 Whitney Mesa Dr #1237 Henderson, NV 89014 USA
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